
Daddy and mommy worked so hard on your 8th birthday all because we love you so very much!


We invited Grace and Momo to come for your birthday-playdate after school.

晚上重頭戲登場,uncle Louise, Kelly嬸嬸,Jason全家到;姑咕和uncle Jaff;Touy阿姨和uncle Jammy,加上我們一家五口,媽媽忙到連化個妝讓自己漂亮的時間都沒有。

Uncle Louise,Auntie Kelly, and Jason. 嘟嘟 and uncle Jaff. uncle Jimmy and Touy阿姨. They all came to celebrate your birthday after work. Mommy was so busy that mommy even did not have time to put on make up at this special event.

No time to take a break~

Preparing dinner for 8 Adults and 4 kids is no easy task! 

Uncle gave you a Sony digital camera!!

嘟嘟 and uncle Jaff gave you a lovely lady pack and drawing tools.

uncle Jimmy and Touy 阿姨 gave you a iphone and a cute purse.      

Daddy bought you a yummy "31" ice cream birthday cake.

We had a wonderful evening.

I am so appreciated that everyone came to your party after a long day hard work.

You made your birthday wish. You told mommy it came ture! 

You wished that mommy could give you a lot of gift the next day.

Yah! you got your wish!

Mommy hide them in the closet for quite a while...

Playing piano after ballet class.

The little girl who I deeply love.

The one and the only man who always and still loves me.

Ian played around at the piano teacher's house while waiting for you.

Sean could be very calm and still while you were learning piano.

You were doing your home work with cute little Ian playing next to you.

Soon, you two little monsters will have to go to school, and start your own piano lessons, too.

(爺爺奶奶,we do accept donation.)

Sean was sick 2 weeks ago. He got fever and coughed so bad!

We took this picture while waiting outside the X-ray room.

Sean is completely recoverd, However, Ian got infected. Mommy can never take a rest i guess.......

Ian is having fever for 4 days already. I think I need to take him to see the Doctor tomorrow morning after dropping Cynthia and Sean off to school.....

Mommy really hope that I am the one who got infected......

爺爺奶奶 came to visit again.

Little Ian and big 爺爺~~

爺爺 played ball with Cynthia at our huge yard~

Look at 爺爺's tommy.

I think 爺爺 is pregnant for 8 months~~

looks like a little girl...

This is called--- happiness~~




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